The agricultural sector is diverse and there are many actors within the sector working towards similar goals geared to promote and work towards food secure communities and households. There are farmers and many governmental and private projects and programmes working towards this vision. Projects and programmes do so by running and facilitating workshops and training sessions with local farming communities. A way in which they try to align their activities is for these agricultural actors and organisations to combine their knowledge, resources and manpower to form a learning network. In doing so, their support could reach further and spread wider in the local communities. Through the Amanzi for Food Training of Trainers course, the Imvothu Bubomi Learning Network was established to jointly learn and enhance sustainable agricultural water use in a rapidly changing and resource constrained environment. There has been great collaboration between network members towards sustainable agricultural development through the implementation of demonstration sites in the Nkonkobe local municipal area and beyond. Different agricultural actors and organisations are now working together on specific activities towards promoting agriculture. These productive demonstration sites will be shared in blogs to follow.
By Kim Weaver
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