Module 1: Overview
Introduction to the Rainwater Harvesting and Conservation (RWH&C) Practices; Understanding different farming contexts; Using the Navigation Tool; Activity Systems and Learning Networks
Module 1 focuses on the RWH&C practices, and how these practices are appropriate in different farming contexts. There are activities to help find more information on the practices by direct links to the website and using the Navigation Tool. The module closes with discussions on farming as an Activity System, and the value of Learning Networks. The module includes an Overview, the Core Text and presentations, the WRC Resources relevant to this module and the Assignment.
If you wish for certification in Stream 1 (at NQF level 6) you will be required to complete a written analysis of your existing curricula in relation to RWH&C and identify the information sources used to support the curricula.
For Stream 2 (NQF level 5), if you do have involvement in RWH&C you will provide an analysis of the practices you are involved in, the partners you are working with, and the information sources you are using to support this work. If you are not currently involved in RWH&C you will conduct a survey among your local farmers to see what if any RWH&C practices they are using, where they learned about these, and whether they would be interested in sharing their knowledge on them.
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