26 08, 2017

An update on Phase Two of the Amanzi for Food Programme

2017-09-15T10:20:30+02:00August 26th, 2017|Updates and Ideas|0 Comments

Launch of the Amanzi for Food Phase 2 project (2017-2021)

As shared with you before, the Amanzi for food phase 2 was launched with effect from 12 March 2017 commencing with a strategic planning meeting at Rhodes University, involving key stakeholders drawn from Agricultural education and training institutes and small holder farmers. The meeting led to […]

11 07, 2017

Imvelisi Boot-Camp

2017-09-15T10:20:30+02:00July 11th, 2017|Updates and Ideas|0 Comments

From the 4th to the 9th of June 2017 I was at the Imvelisi Boot-Camp, where I represented Lenye Youth Group and the Amanzi for Food Research Project amongst other Enviropreneurs!!

As Lenye Youth Group we would love to see Lenye village and all of Qoboqobo (Keiskammahoek) flourishing in its agricultural activity. We took the idea […]

28 04, 2017

Collective learning to live with wicked climate problems through water and seed for food sovereignty: leaving no one (willing) behind.

2017-09-15T10:20:31+02:00April 28th, 2017|Updates and Ideas|0 Comments

Smallholder farmers in the Amathole District of the Eastern Cape Province have demonstrated that it is possible to mobilise their cultural and traditional knowledge practices to make a living from the soil. They have managed to do this through collaboration with agricultural and further education and training (FET) colleges, developing water for food production, and […]

15 03, 2017

The Next Phase of the Amanzi for Food Programme

2017-09-15T10:20:31+02:00March 15th, 2017|Updates and Ideas|0 Comments

The first phase of the Amanzi for Food Programme was completed in 2016 with our final reports being published recently. Please find the Volume 1 through this link: http://www.wrc.org.za/Knowledge%20Hub%20Documents/Research%20Reports/2277-1-16.pdf or go find it on the WRC Knowledge Hub using the report number 2277/1/16.  We would like to thank all those involved in contributing to […]

15 02, 2017

Welcome to Eleonore from Germany to the Eastern Cape!

2017-02-15T12:06:19+02:00February 15th, 2017|Updates and Ideas|0 Comments

Passmore Dongi and his team at Raymond Mhlaba Economic Development Agency (formerly known at Nkonkobe Economic Development Agency) welcomed Eleonore Hövel from Germany as an intern. Here is what she has to say to all of us:

Dear Amanzi for Food followers,

my name is Thekla Eleonore Hövel and I studied environmental engineering at the Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule (RWTH) […]

15 12, 2016

To be, or not to be, that is the question

2017-09-15T10:20:31+02:00December 15th, 2016|Updates and Ideas|0 Comments

Nowhere is this Shakespearean line more relevant than in the discourse of smallholder livelihoods in the wake of threats around climate variability. As smallholder farmers “lurch from drought to drought”, their food security increasingly becomes precarious. This opens up a host of questions: Why do smallholders become food insecure? To what extent is the food […]

16 11, 2016

Amanzi for Food expands to the North West!

2016-11-16T10:51:11+02:00November 16th, 2016|Updates and Ideas|0 Comments

The expansion of Amanzi for Food project in the North West province is the result of the positive and innovative attitudes of the two agriculture colleges within the province. The two agriculture colleges are Potchefstroom College of Agriculture and Taung Agriculture College. The collaborative focus of the North West province’s learning network is a response to […]

1 11, 2016

Amanzi for Food researchers receive an award for their community engaged research

2017-09-15T10:20:32+02:00November 1st, 2016|Updates and Ideas|0 Comments

Three environmental education student researchers, Tichaona Pesanayi, Chisala Lupele and Phindile Sithole were recently awarded the 2016 Rhodes University Community Engagement student researchers of the year. The three shared the award for their combined work under the Amanzi for Food research programme. The students have worked with agricultural communities in implementing rainwater harvesting and conservation […]

22 08, 2016

Learning network member emerge victorious at the Eastern Cape Female Entrepreneurship Awards

2016-08-22T11:45:41+02:00August 22nd, 2016|Updates and Ideas|0 Comments

Earlier this year, one of the Imvothu Bubomi learning network members got a chance to participate in a project called the Female Entrepreneurship Awards. She emerged victorious, scooping third position in the subsistence garden category of the competition.

Mrs Peter of Amatole Basin in the Nkonkonbe District, was awarded a third prize worth R5000 as a […]

11 08, 2016

WRC Amanzi for Food radio handbook

2017-09-15T10:20:32+02:00August 11th, 2016|Updates and Ideas|0 Comments

The Water Research Commission Amanzi for food project has recently drafted a radio handbook which aims at helping those working with farmers to share information on rainwater harvesting and conservation practices through various media platforms such as community radio and newspaper. This is all to reach farming communities in their areas.

The guide shows how people […]

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