Dr Wilma van Staden, a member of the Amanzi for Food Team, attended the Food Systems and Climate Change Curriculum Enhancement Conference and workshop presented by the Centre for International Cooperation at Vrije University, Amsterdam earlier this month.  The purpose of the workshop was to

1) develop plans for the enrichment of courses with modules on Food Systems and Climate Change (FSCC),
2) Facilitate networking and sharing of knowledge, experiences and education materials for FSCC among South-South and Triangular Cooperation (SSTC) partners towards the development of a Community of Practices.

Dr van Staden presented her Climate-Smart Agriculture Review Tool for Agricultural curriculum innovation and introduced two of the Environmental Learning Research Centre, Rhodes University’s agricultural educational online courses Amanzi for Food Online Course for agricultural extension and agricultural lecturers and Fundisa for Change Heritage Food Gardening for teachers. Besides Vrije University, universities from Kenya (3), Uganda (2), Ghana (1), Benin (2), South Africa (2), Spain (1) and Slovenia (1) attended the proceedings. The week was also a significant opportunity for collaboration between universities to identify challenges relating to Food Systems and Climate Change and how to address these challenges within the African Agricultural Tertiary Education System.