Sharing knowledge on the use and conservation of water for food production

The Training of Trainers Course

The Amanzi for Food capacity development programme is an innovative set of training, networking, media and resource materials mediation actions that seek to:

Connect people and organisations.

To share their knowledge and experiences and develop new skills in the use of rainwater for food production.

Enhance the practice of rainwater harvesting and conservation.

To improve food production and nutrition.

Provide learning resources, education and training.

For developing the knowledge and practical skills for implementing RWH & C.

Support water harvesting productive demonstration activities site.

To show how to implement sustainable water harvesting practices.

Explore and use opportunities for curriculum and course development.

To ensure the inclusion of RWH & C knowledge and practices.

University accredited certificate of competence.

To reward those who successfully complete the course and its assignments.

The Elements of the Course

This online course has 5 main elements, accessible to everyone. You do not need to register to access these elements and they are all downloadable as pdfs.

Course Orientation

This is to help you understand how the course works, and how you can engage with it and benefit from it.

Module Overviews & Core Module Texts.

These are the main texts for each module. They provide the key information and guide you through the module. At the end of each module is the assignment for that module.

Pdf Presentations

Each module includes a few presentations. The presentations provide more detailed information on specific topics, and guide you through some of the key activities.

WRC Materials & Resources.

These are all located in the top menu bar and in other parts of the Amanzi for Food website, and hyperlinks to these are provided from the Core Module Text when needed.

The Assignments.

The assignments are located at the end of each Core Module. You only need to register if you wish to submit the assignments for the Rhodes University certificate.

The Course Process

The process involves 3 modules, and will take about 6 months to complete.

Each module consists of a Module Overview and a Core Text followed by an Assignment. These assignments are designed to be appropriate to your context, type of work and the qualification level towards which you are working (see below). If you wish to take the formal route to certification, you will be assessed according to specific assessment criteria designed for this purpose under the Rhodes University short course policy and procedures. For this you will need to register.

The course is available in two streams.

Stream 1

(For the formal education sector):

‘Amanzi for Food’ Training of Trainers Certificate of Competence in Curriculum Innovation and Changing Practice

12 Credits at NQF Level 6

Stream 2

(For informal training sector and for farmers sharing with others):

‘Amanzi for Food’ Training of Trainers Certificate of Competence in Environmental Learning and Changing Practice

12 Credits at NQF Level 5

Course Assessment

In order to achieve these certificates participants will be required to successfully complete assignments appropriate to their context and the level of certification. These participants will be required to register.

It is entirely possible for anyone to follow the entire course as a visitor, and have access to all the materials, including the Presentations and other resources, without registering for formal certification.


For people not wishing to try for certification there is no limit to the amount of time they can spend on the course.

Those who register for the formal certification process are required to complete the course, including all assignments, within 6 months of registering. Anyone can register at any stage when they feel like it. The registration and assessment processes are described at the end of this Orientation.

Supported by

This Training of Trainers (ToT) course is a key component of the Water Research Commission (WRC) Project K5/2277 (Amanzi for Food): Action-oriented strategy for knowledge dissemination and training for skills development of water use in homestead food gardening and rain water harvesting for cropland food production.

The course is funded through this WRC Project, and further support is provided by many partners involved in the Learning Network.

Meet the Team

Lawrence Sisitka

Course Manager and Developer

Lawrence is a research associate of the ELRC, with a focus on natural resource management and learning in community and professional contexts. He has been involved in the Amanzi for Food project since the beginning and was part of the team which developed the original Training of Trainers contact course in 2014. He worked with Wilma and Sarah Durr in the adaption of the course for the Online version.

Wilma van Staden

Course Co-ordinator and Developer

Wilma van Staden is an agri-ecology specialist affiliated with the Environmental Learning Research Centre at Rhodes University. She holds a PhD in Sustainable Agriculture Education and a Master of Science in Environmental Management. Since joining the Amanzi for Food team in 2015, Wilma has become a prominent digital learning researcher and educator. She specialises in designing, developing, and implementing learner-centered, co-engaged, active learning solutions focused on Sustainable Agriculture and Environmental Management.