Online Course Review Tool for Course Developers
This Online Course Review Tool is a tool that supports Course Developers and Designers to evaluate their own course as part of the monitoring and evaluation process. The tool is also a helpful tool for when a group of Course Developers and Designers evaluates each other’s courses.
You can download a copy of the tool above or complete the course tool below.
The different parts of the criteria and tool evaluate different aspects of the program including; the general aspects of the course, technology resources, course content, course design, communication, interactivity, assessments, and the actual capacity building of the course. The tool is designed to detect, through the tool indicators, specific areas of strengths and possible limitations of an e-Learning course design. It therefore simplifies more complex emergent properties but helps to identify areas of limitations, the relevance of the course materials and the possible areas of improvement.
The Amanzi for Food E-Learning Review Tool is divided into 7 parts for ease of administration
- Section A deals with the objectives and outcomes of the e-Learning course. It focusses the relevance of the course, the certification process and the mode of delivery.
- Section B reviews the technical components of the course and the resources included in the course.
- Section C reviews the E-Learning course content. It focusses on the relevance and alignment of the content and how the content can be updated or improve.
- Section D identifies the type of media used to present the content and the methods to keep the student actively involved in the learning process. It also focusses on the general functionality and accessibility of the E-Learning course design.
- Section E reviews the e-Learning course means of assessment
- Section F concludes with the evaluation of the skills obtained through the course and the post-training support provided for the participants.
Assessment Criteria
- Use the e-Learning Criteria to guide you to which section of the e-Learning Review Tool is most relevant to your needs.
- Complete the e-Learning Review Tool by rating each cluster indicator’s relevance and evidence indicating the presence of the identified indicator and relevant practices by choosing between four options ranging from 0 to 3.
- You will receive a copy of your Review Tool answers. Use the table below to analyse you course review.